Many of our clients at tantric moment prefer the convenience of an outcall massage in London as opposed to coming down to see us at one of our central London locations. Whether you would like this service at your home or perhaps your hotel in central London then this is fine as we do cater for both services at our sensual London massage parlour.
One of the other advantages of the outcall massage for many people is that it is also more discreet and also suits those that find it difficult to travel for whatever reason. Our masseuses can provide all of the different massage services that we have listed on the website as an outcall service, but we would ask that is you have any special requests for your massage session that you do agree this in advance with a member of our massage team who will be more than happy to help.
Should you have any questions regarding the different erotic massage services that we offer then please do not hesitate to get in touch. For those that are new to the tantric massage scene we understand that there maybe some questions that need answering
We can also assure you that all of our tantric goddesses have had full training in the art of tantra and you can have that all important peace of mind that the service will be genuine and following all the tantric principles.
Please feel free to have a good browse through our goddess gallery where you can select the lady or ladies of your choice. You can then get in touch via email, contact form or phone to see if your goddess is available for the time and day that you would like. Please do give us a much notice as possible when booking your outcall massage London, but we do also quite often cater for last minute or short notice bookings aswell.
PLease follow Tantric Moment based in the City of London on all of our social media channels.